Thursday, December 30, 2010


Recap of 2010 in pictures. It's been bittersweet, learned a lot this year. Decided to redo this post and put more thought into it hah.

Last New Years was great. Celebrated my cousins 21st and drank to the point where we all ended up by a toilette. From sneaking into other parties next door and acting like we owned the place to throwing up till I cried. It was the best one I've had.
Laker games really bring people together, especially family. It gives us a random excuse to hang out with people we haven't seen in a while. I spy Karl's flannel.
Jed and Marvin. I really don't know what to say. It started off as a joke then escalated into something ridiculous.
Half the school has the same haircut because they all get their haircut at two different places. Mario's and Ray's. One is a professional barbershop, and one is a barbershop in the living room of a home with an entire family living in it. Well this is Ray's, Ray cuts my hair as well as many others. Lmk if you need a lineup/taper/fade and ill send you to him.
Jay plays the snare for Nogales. Shake his hand sometime, don't be a dick hah.
Late night video games with the Walnut crowd all Summer. Endless matches of Halo and Cod.
Pacquiao fight.
Doubled with Jerome and Hana and went to Huntington Beach I think. Water was too cold to go in. Jerome tackled Pits to the sand and grabbed BWs after I think, not sure.
One of many trips to Pasadena to Roscoes. Always gotta order that sweet tea, a biscuit, and three chicken thighs. Gotta go all out when you go!
Mm, yeah.
Me and Karl always be going to Barajas to get the hook up at Baskins. She always complaining that the Asians are trying to get the hookup whenever she works. Zzzoh well.
Went with Mat and Ray to explore LA for their extra credit assignment for APUSH. Visited over 7 spots, always got in a couple crashes, and almost got a ticket for illegal parking just so we could get a picture. They did the Nixon pose for each picture and got full credit because of it.
Whenever there's a family party and theres BBQ, I'm the one to cook it. Im bittersweet about it, but no worries. Someones gotta do it.
Graduation/Birthday dinner for Mat and Ryan. Got KBBQ for dinner and watched Mat get kicked out of Rite Aid. There goes one ice cream spot -_-
This snack swept all of Nogales and neighboring cities. There's just something about them that keeps you wanting more. Bought a pack from a random kid/mexican candy seller at school to eat in the hallways I really don't even wanna know the sodium content to this snack though..
This is our Tiger. We charge $1 a picture. Don't fux with us.
Jasmines nasty pinkies, and Kag9s nasty face in the back. Fun ride home with the girls and Mat after Roscoes.
Just because my house is close to school they think it's okay to go to my house errday -_-
Homemade Mickey Mouses with our illegal fireworks from Chinatown.
Beach day with all the girls and guys. Mat spranked his ankle from touch football.. Yes touch football..
Free cake from Art's birthday. Him and his chocolate Hitler Mustache I swear. Too many stupid memories from him hah -_-
Back to school to grab text books for the year. All of them never left my house, thank you to everyone who lends me their books/lockers hah.
I spy me in the background. Happy birthday to Jay.Photobucket
Class clown, biggest flirt, freshman hunter, varsity point guard. Who is who?
Danielles a slut, what can I say. Jk, but really. She's the main person I talk to in Filipino, too bad shes gone half the time -_-
We get Boiling Crab a lot. A bag of Shrimp by the pound seasoned with a variety of different kinds. Sweet Potato fries ftw!
Erica and Ella are part of class of 2014. We took this picture using their macbook.. Which all the incoming freshmen got for their classes.. Yeah..
Homecoming 2010 was a great night aside from the ending. You know I had to do it with the pose. Thanks to Crystal for her house too!
LA Cathedral to honor Neil and Sarah for whatever award they got.
Senior bumper night at my bumper for the group picture. Damn right.
Worked the polls for the first time. Nice experience to see the ins and outs to the voting process of our country.
Dramamine photoshoot in downtown J-town. Met the street team and ended up doing the shoot.
Went to the Round 1 Karaoke room to end my birthday. Twas a good night, I enjoyed my birthday. Thanks to Jasmine for planning it too.
Pits be creepin all over the place with her fisheye. Thank you to her for our first couple picture.. in 11 months hah.
Momz and Popz x Christmas Tree
Been babysitting my niece lately. I guess my brother taught her that rebounding the ball and giving it back was a game. She won all the time.
And again, Secret Santa 2010. I had a great time and I'm loving my gifts.